The following stations and organizations are part of the Florida Stories of Service collaborative and have shared resources on this website:

WXEL South Florida PBS
South Florida PBS, Inc., licensee of WXEL-TV, is committed to the use of telecommunications and broadband technology to serve the community through excellence in programming. We provide quality, relevant and valued content.

WUSF Public Media
WUSF Public Media provides meaningful and relevant content that enhances our community’s quality of life. The high quality programming we provide has been a valuable resource in our community for more than 50 years.

WJCT is the community-supported public broadcasting station for the First Coast. We take seriously our charge to build a better community, seek opportunities to make a difference in our community today, and strive to enhance our legacy for tomorrow.

WFSU provides quality public broadcasting services to the north Florida and south Georgia areas. WFSU-TV and FM are housed together in one building near Innovation Park and the Engineering Campus of The Florida State University (map). In Panama City,

WEDU is the primary PBS station serving West Central Florida and located in Tampa, carrying four channels dedicated to providing the best in arts, culture, news, history, science, and children's programming.

PBS has transformed itself from a solely broadcast organization to a multi-platform leader that serves Americans through television, mobile TV, the Web, interactive whiteboards in the classroom and more.